LIC Premium Calculator

Basic Information

Details Value
Selected Plan -
Basic Sum Assured -
Age -
Policy Term -
Accidental Rider Sum Assured -
Term Rider Sum Assured -

First Year Premium

Mode Premium (₹) GST (@4.5%) Total (₹)
Yearly - - -
Half-Yearly - - -
Quarterly - - -
Monthly - - -

Second Year Onward Premium

Mode Premium (₹) GST (@2.25%) Total (₹)
Yearly - - -
Half-Yearly - - -
Quarterly - - -
Monthly - - -

Maturity Benefits

Benefit Amount (₹)
Basic Sum Assured (A) -
Total Premium Paid (Approx) -
Accumulated Bonus (Approx) (B) -
Final Addition Bonus (FAB) (Approx) (C) -
Maturity (Approx) (A+B+C) -
Post Maturity Cover -

Latest LIC Premium Calculators

Are you looking for a LIC Premium calculator tool, to know your lic plan yealy premium?

This tool calculate your lic plan yearly and monthly premium and will show you how much premium you have to pay, in just 10 seconds. with just the sum assured and age and term year.

Ready to start? Click here to calculate lic policy premium! today.

After using this lic premium calculator tool you will easyly see how much premium you have to to pat on this plan. which is ready to share with the world.

This tool is made especially for who interest to buy lic policy. I will walk you through each and every step, using plenty of pictures and videos to make it all perfectly clear. If you get stuck or have questions at any point, simply send me a message I will do my best to help you out.

And I am going to show you how to calculate your specific plan yearly premium , bonuses, death benefit, total maturity amount. I have been building tools and websites since 2018. In that time I have launched several of my own tools, and helped hundreds of others do the same.

This free Lic premium calculator tool help you to know your premium rates and maturity ammount. You don’t need to calculate manually. So whether you’re 8 or 80, you can calculate your lic policy premium in 1 minutes.

About LIC Premium Calculator Tool

The LIC Premium Calculator is a powerful tool designed to helps you to know various LIC plans premium online. Whether you're looking for LIC insurance calculator or pension calculator, LIC endowment plan calculator, or money-back policy calculator, our LIC calculator Tool provides accurate results based on your inputs.

How to Use the LIC Premium Calculator

Follow these simple steps to calculate your LIC premium and select your lic plan:

Step 1

Select your LIC plan from the dropdown menu.

Step 2

select your age, policy term, and enter sum assured.

Step 3

Click "Calculate" to view your yearly , monthly premium details.

Welcome to, the Best site to Calculate all of your LIC premiums. is an Indian platform for LIC plans Premium calculator and LIC India Maturity Calculator.

Now, calculate various LIC plans yearly, half yearly, quarterly, monthly premium rates and Total Maturity amount with bonuses.   This Premium Calculator Tool is available for both Android and iOS devices. Open any browser and visit our website today.

Why Choose Our Calculator?

  1. 1 Get Accurate premium rates for all LIC plans instantly with our user-friendly Lic premium calculatot Tool.
  2. 2 No more manual calculations! Of your Lic premiums, Our tool calculates your Yearly premium easyly.
  3. 3 Easy -to-use interface for quick results ans it Completely free and accessible to everyone.

Who Can Use It?

  1. 1 Individuals planning to buy LIC insurance Policy.
  2. 2 Policyholders looking to compare premiums.
  3. 3 Financial advisors assisting clients.

Benefits of Using the LIC Premium Calculator Tool

Our LIC Premium Calculator Tool offers numerous benefits to help you calculate premium to take your financial decisions:

Accurate Calculations

Get precise premium estimates based on your inputs.

Easy to Use

Simple and intuitive interface for quick results.

Free & Reliable

Completely free to use, with no hidden charges.

Frequently Asked Questions

The LIC Premium Calculator is a tool that helps you estimate the premium for various LIC insurance plans based on your inputs like age, policy term, and sum assured.

Yes, the LIC Premium Calculator is completely free to use. There are no hidden charges or fees.

Yes, the calculator supports all major LIC plans, including term plans, endowment plans, and money-back plans.

Almost, It is 90% accurate, it gives you estimated idea of yearly or monthly premium rates based on your selected plan.

Yes, It is possible to calculate your old or closed lic plans premiums.